Practically everybody faces a problem of search for a fitting partner on a definite life stage. It’s about both young dreamy girls reading romantic novels and adult people with an experience of past failures and disappointments.
Currently, young men and women older than 30 practically have no private life. Many have a house, a car, and a successful career and no time for relationships. Acquaintances in the streets of metropolises are becoming something unreal.
Dating agencies in Ukraine are a very easy and natural way of solving the main problem of a lonely person. They can increase one’s chances for success and help in meeting a person who also wants to create a family and become a robust social unit and be happy. That’s why when more and more people find each other due to such dating services, the latter become popular.
However, there is also the other side of the coin – scammers are often met on such sites. Both male and female. They are quite ‘worth’ each other: men assert that they are searching for their love but they figure on sex, and girls put their hands in their purses unashamedly.
‘Volume of trade’ of dating agencies industry makes, according to some estimations, 100 Mio, and Odessa is famous as the world capital of the ‘internet-brides’. In this city visited annually by about 70 thousands of citizens of just Great Britain, more than 100 dating agencies work. An overwhelming majority of the city guests are bachelors older than 40. They found photos of exotic beauties who hypothetically dream of getting married through a search engine. However, in the words of a local PI less than 30 per cent of such brides are sincere. Most of them are fortune-seekers who are interested in money only.
Correspondence with girls through an agency costs about 10 dollars for two letters. It’s cheaper by wholescale – 100 hundred letters for 240 dollars. Then ‘brides’ ask for money for tickets and visa and then they just don’t come. Nevertheless, the most humiliating thing is that a lady you are communicating with can turn out to be a man.
Having come to Odessa men reveal from time to time that brides look not the least bit like ‘their own’ photos, but they still count for restaurants, expensive presents, and even for flat rent. Moreover, usually everything ends with the words ‘good bye!’