There are several kinds of dating services which are rendering services in Ukraine. They are:
Private matchmakers
Dating clubs
Dating services
Marriage agencies
What is their difference and what is the task of every kind of a dating service?
A matchmaker in Ukraine is considered to be the most ancient dating mediator. As a rule, matchmakers don’t register their activities and don't have their own offices. They meet their clients in a cafe or at home. Matchmakers have a catalogue of clients which as a rule consists of their acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances and choose from them those candidates whom a client liked. At the same time a man and a woman who are getting acquainted see each other during a date only where they are specified in their likes. A performance of such a method for long-term relationships is extremely low, as a matchmaker’s catalogue is too little and one can find in it matching people only by chance, the same as to win a lottery.
In times of old ukrainian matchmakers brought people together on the assumption of their origin and material welfare and marriages were contracted according to a principle of an advantageous partie which made a search considerably easier. In the modern world people search for each other according to much more criteria, among them there is a mental, spiritual, physiological compatibility, closeness and breadth of world view. One should admit that services of a matchmaker with a purpose of a search for ‘the second half’ outmoded for the time being.
A dating club mostly organizes events for people’s leisure and rest, such as dating evenings, flirting parties, outdoor recreation, trips. These events are often passed off as ‘a search for the second half’. It is statistically practically impossible to find one’s second half at a party with 20 people, but to have a good time, to have a rest, to find new acquaintances is quite real.
A dating agency (a dating service) helps to get acquainted for any type of relations, including finding associates (for example, for doing sports, hobby and voyages) and just friends (for example, for spending mutual leisure time). At the same time dating services can be rendered to all those who want without any exclusion, without a checkup of passport data.
Ukrainian marriage agency is engaged in a purposeful search of a match for serious relationships, for marriage. It is much easier to find an associate for hobby or spending mutual leisure time than to find an appropriate lifetime partner, as such a compatibility is described in much more criteria.
But it is quite real. The same way as a staffing company looks for an employee for an employer, a dating agency helps two people in finding each other and renders them a psychological assistance in relationships creation. A dating agency searches with help of various methods, and the more methods a dating agency uses, the more professionally it searches and chooses candidates, the more effective is it’s activity, the more couples find each other.