Many men think that Ukrainian girls are always ready for experiments in bed. They question sex-toys more seldom and they also easily agree for new roles. Moreover, only Ukrainian women are able to agree for sex in an unusual place – for example, in a restaurant, cinema or in a park. By the way, all of them like it very much. Men take such an ease as an advantage. However, it can also become a disadvantage if one looks at the situation from another side. So, Ukrainian beauties sometimes don’t feel the limits of allowable and do whatever they want – easy relationships, easy men, easy places and much alcohol.
In addition to feelings themselves, men note love of Ukrainian women to a beautiful and expressive lingerie. It may seem that lingerie doesn’t play an important role in sex. It turns out that together with other factors it adjusts men to a certain mood.
‘Ukrainian ladies treat sex for one night normally’, admit men from Italy, Spain, and Turkey. And not only they think so: to an opinion of the majority if foreigners, Ukrainian women have a pronounced need for a quick sex without any obligations that is able to prove them that they are good and sexy at any age and mood . So Ukrainian women support their self-rating up to the mark and men, naturally, support them in it.

Some men speak of their Ukrainian brides as of extremely passive and unskillful in bed. They let men do almost everything and take up no initiative. Some men even used an impartial word ‘log’ with a reservation that when a Ukrainian woman is in love she becomes sexy, passionate and spontaneous.
Many men consider that Ukrainian girls can’t treat sex in a responsible way, and that is bad. ‘I am here and that’s enough’ – it’s a typical position of a Ukrainian one. They seldom worry about anything but themselves, that’s why they often forget not only about condoms, but a man willing to feel pleasure as well. By the way, in relation to the first one they are most often extremely categorical: no condoms – no sex. And that’s all. Not all girls behave like that, but almost in every of them there is such a ‘devil’ who can break free anytime.